15:00:05 Pizza. 15:00:19 Make the time to go get it 15:00:25 was a lot. 15:00:27 Oh, No that was going to dawn one. 15:00:37 Listening to things down the hall. I've been in so many meetings. 15:00:44 My head up and down stairs. 15:00:53 I've been stuck in meetings since council got out 15:00:55 into all these other. 15:00:56 Those days. Yeah. 15:01:00 You're not supposed to let him in the building. 15:01:04 I'm good, thank you. 15:01:13 He's a troublemaker, wherever he goes. 15:01:22 I be careful. 15:01:31 Hey Hey Hey, how are you. 15:01:38 Alice you got time right now go grab your sleep. 15:02:00 Having people. 15:02:09 Do you do today Oh really, we have Oh, cool. 15:02:19 Oh really, we have Oh, cool. Was it like just small little do or c 15:02:19 squared away from the big man. 15:02:56 So, Lisa was telling me like they have like 15:03:09 stand. Okay. But you gotta have. 15:03:11 You gotta have a car that, yeah, Yeah, yeah. 15:03:19 Oh yeah. Not 15:03:25 really. 15:03:27 For today me for this. 15:03:30 So don't say lunch. 15:03:38 Well, No. 15:04:01 Okay. 15:04:30 DJ places wrong. 15:05:08 What, 15:05:17 what, 15:05:35 Yeah. 15:05:51 I'm trying to 15:05:51 remember. 15:07:41 Are you. 15:08:03 I am. 15:08:20 Number one, 15:08:43 got a calm. 15:08:45 Hey to make you. 15:08:58 Good. All right. 15:09:01 So, we're waiting for. 15:09:10 See, okay. Alex is ready. Are you okay are 15:09:19 you ready, is another second. 15:09:34 See who's all here on zoom. 15:09:38 So presidents 15:09:43 burger was here to rewrite Dora permit losses. 15:10:05 and done that no one else. Good afternoon everyone and welcome to this live hearing a public hearing of Pittsburgh City Council for today, which is 2021. 15:10:19 This afternoon we are joined by council members. Erica Stross burger, Councilman Deborah gross Councilman Anthony Clark know Councilman Bobby Wilson and our council president. 15:10:32 Theresa Dale Smith with our game. 15:10:36 I'm constantly across will be chairing this afternoon's public hearing. Madam Clerk, this isn't a petition that was filed by, in reference to a petition that was filed by the residents of city of Pittsburgh, it is build 913 39 and so madam clerk to start 15:10:52 Team 39 and so madam Kirk to start Could we please have the purpose of the bill in 1939 petition from the residents of the city of Pittsburgh, requesting a public hearing before City Council, relative to file 2021 1906, an ordinance, a minute to Pittsburgh 15:11:08 In ordnance a minute to Pittsburgh cold title nuns on an article for chapter nine public ram districts, by true edition of a new subsection a new section, section 90803 D five Oakland sub district, EOPRE, Oakland crossings. 15:11:25 The petition is valid in accordance with the Home Rule charter. 15:11:30 Of course. Thank you very much. With that, we will go there is no presentation of the public hearing. With this we are going to go directly into our registered speakers. 15:11:40 And our first registered speaker is our petitioner Andrea Blake of wits and I believe most everyone will be joining us on the zoom platform today so Andrea you are up and you have your three minutes. 15:11:52 Hi. Hello, my name is Andrea voyage. My I live in on Park Avenue in central Oakland, and the matter before you today is a bill to rezone a big chunk of my neighborhood. 15:12:04 This bill was written by a private developer and handed to counsel by the mayor, and the question that you all have to answer for yourselves, is what is the appropriate action to take with it. 15:12:15 I'm asking you to take no action on it I'm asking you to hold it, and I will explain why. 15:12:21 Normally, zoning legislation is something that has worked through the Department of city planning. Some of you might believe that the Planning Commission and the Department of city planning, are the same entity, they are not, or that they have a similar 15:12:32 public process and considering zoning changes, they don't. 15:12:36 The Department of city planning engages with the public to solicit input, consider competing interests and contextualize the uses and massing of a proposed zoning change public input is incorporated into the planning process through an open iterative 15:12:51 tax fair payer funded process. Only once the planning department has conducted in such a process with the Planning Commission be invited to review it. 15:13:08 And only after that vote would reach the mayor for signature. The bill before you has skipped that process entirely and started from the wrong end of the line, moving this bill to the planning commission would set a dangerous precedent for every Pittsburgh 15:13:18 neighborhood, by sending this bill to the Planning Commission, you'd be saying, in effect, that our neighborhoods are for sale to developers with political poll, and that the public planning process is meaningless that anyone with deep pockets can buy 15:13:32 up residential neighborhoods, and then rewrite the rules for their own benefit, and that the onus is on the public to take the time to explain to you why that's a bad idea. 15:13:42 The Oakland plan process is working for Oakland. Let it support the professionals who work for the city, the public servants who has been sweating it out with us for the past two years to solicit public input. 15:13:55 Identify neighborhood priorities and negotiate the best possible solutions to a ton of really thorny issues. 15:14:02 When the process is finished and Oakland zoning map has been updated, then you can take up this bill again, and consider whether all that work should be done. 15:14:12 Until then, please hold it. 15:14:14 Thanks Andrew, or second register speaker is Ellen Cisco, Ellen Are you with us. 15:14:23 I think so. Hello. 15:14:25 Hi. Hi, everyone. 15:14:29 Thanks for the opportunity to speak with you today. My name is Alan Cisco, I am also an Oakland resident. 15:14:43 I live with my wife, my eight year old son on orbit Street and South Oakland, two doors down from my parents in their 70s. I love Oakland. I love its amenities its location, the opportunities it provides and has provided my family. 15:14:52 My parents moved to work with street 40 some years ago, and were able to purchase a modest affordable home for themselves so that my mom could walk to work as a nurse at what is now up MC. 15:15:07 My hope for this conversation and for Council is that Council, the developer walnut capital, Oakland Planning and Development city planning zoning commission, and any other stakeholders involved in this project. 15:15:23 Commit to developing this project, and this conversation in an equitable way that respects the community's desire and need for affordable housing. 15:15:34 I would like Oakland, to be open and affordable for everyone, like it was from my family 40 years ago. And for that to happen. We need to pay attention, and make sure that new development that creates new housing creates housing that is equitable and 15:15:51 affordable for not just folks from the suburbs, but for folks of all walks of life and folks who live in Oakland currently. Thank you. 15:16:05 Thank you, Ellen. 15:16:05 Our next registered speaker is Kathleen Gallagher, Kathleen you're with us. 15:16:13 Yes, I am here. My name is Kathy Gallagher. I live at 234 North two three street, and in a very long time, Oakland resident, my grandparents moved here in 1914, and we've been here ever since. 15:16:29 I speak today to oppose, not necessarily the project, because I don't have enough information about the project, but rather the process. 15:16:40 I have spent countless hours in the past two years, working on developing the Oakland plan. 15:16:47 Prior to that I was also involved in developing the Oakland 2025 plan zoning changes without community input contradict every recommendation that I have seen in the proposed plan for Oakland. 15:17:07 While I welcome while not capitals scheduling of meetings to inform the public. 15:17:09 I believe it community should be involved from the beginning. This process feels very much top down, rather than community up. 15:17:19 I consider myself very fortunate to be surrounded by magnificent educational medical and cultural institutions that I find more and more frequently, that I have to remind people that we live here to get there are many, many permanent residents here. 15:17:39 I believe that a project of this magnitude. Which one packed every single one of us deserve community input from the very beginning. 15:17:48 Thank you for your consideration ex girlfriend. 15:17:54 Elaine is a top. 15:17:57 Welcome. You're our next register speaker. 15:18:01 Good afternoon. I'm Atlanta say it's off, I have lived in South Oakland for 41 years. I am opposed to walnut capitals ordinance for Oakland crossings being sent to the Planning Commission. 15:18:15 They are sneaking it in to avoid the regulations of the Oakland public ground D, such as residential compatibility actually revoking it. They are rewriting the zoning code to meet their developmental goals, ignoring the results of the open 2025 plan and 15:18:32 trying to beat the clock on a neighborhood plan for Oakland. 15:18:37 There is a process for changing zoning, and this is not it something on this scale takes years to be properly developed as traffic studies are done first neighborhood impact studies are done, public engagement meetings with city planning, not just presentations 15:18:54 can occur meetings with neighborhood organizations occur and residents are given the time to understand the proposal and its long term ramifications. So city council please hold this ordinance at least until the open plan is completed. 15:19:10 I have a note that Millie SAS is on are trying to get on and she may have the name wooden canoe. So if you would please let her in. Thank you. Excellent, we'll work it out. 15:19:23 Melissa mix Wigan, you are next. And you are followed by Millie SAS, who will figure out how to get Millie on. 15:19:31 have just said, I have been an Oakland resident property owner and landlord and I've been participating in the Oakland plan over the past year, which has been a really inclusive process with a dedicated group of people very civil. 15:19:58 It's been going well so you know this proposed zoning change, came as a bit of a shock. And so I definitely have concerns about the process of this stoning, as well as the intended outcome. 15:20:13 If such as zoning. If such zoning were enacted, although I don't know the full scope of what is of interest by the developer, but anyway I, I really just echo everyone's concerns expressed here today and I hope that we can just let this go through a work 15:20:35 through the community process. 15:20:38 And I guess I'll just leave it at that. Thank you. Thank you, Melissa. 15:20:44 Men pork How are we to be able to get million on hi Millie 15:20:50 Millie SAS. 15:20:54 Well, he might be muted 15:21:04 Millie not Millie, I had to use her link since my link john Dickerson's link was never sent to me. Oh john we have you here we're gonna we're gonna. 15:21:19 Right. We're going to follow the order we have here July, please do. I'm just saying. That's where the confusion may be coming because I came in with Milly's link. 15:21:27 Okay, well, we'll be, we don't find her. 15:21:32 You're a little further down the line you're 21 john. I know, go. 15:21:38 And we'll bring million when she's ready. 15:21:40 Okay. 15:21:43 We might have to come back to Millie Okay, I know Here I am, here I am. You hear me. Yes, Millie Hi. 15:21:50 Sorry, I'm waiting for how to change my name on your on your version of zoom. But anyway, here I am. I'm wouldn't come here. And, yes, I want I want to say is that, yes I am opposed to what I've been hearing about the walnut capital project. 15:22:10 I've been going to some of their meetings they've been very poorly attended maybe only half a dozen, and they seem to be repeat attendees as well. So even their own rollout of their plans has not been well executed. 15:22:28 And this is not the way that zoning is done, especially on this scale. 15:22:36 Planning Commission is great but their reviews no substitute for for intense public scrutiny of what they're proposing and their with their plans actually negate. 15:22:48 Some of the overlay the OP our districts that we already have. And it just seems. 15:22:54 It just seems silly it's very self serving on their part. And we're in the UN as other people said we're in the midst of our open plan, and many of us who've put unpaid hours and hours, participating and to have all of this just dumped down the drain 15:23:09 and saying no, we're going to fast forward on this part of it seems unfair and unrealistic. 15:23:18 And there's nothing about affordable housing they give some lip service to it, but there's really nothing in there because they say they can't say what what the market will rent should be. 15:23:30 And it's not too late to wait for the plan. So what I would like to ask for is I would like to ask city council block sending this to the Planning Commission for at least six months, or until the open plan is complete, and to have that robust public engagement 15:23:48 that we know that we're all. 15:23:50 We're all in it for you. And, you know, this is something we, you know, I've lived in Oakland for 40 years. And, you know, in 40 years, I'm not gonna be around but I sure would like it to be a place that my grandchildren would like to live. 15:24:06 And if, if I see if what happens is what I see what will my capital was planning. I don't think that's going to be true. And so either follow proper procedures for the public realm ordinances, and maybe even just reject their, their proposal totally right 15:24:23 now. 15:24:26 Thank you. 15:24:29 Thank you. April, still Sir, I hope I said that correctly see, is your April, and you'll be followed by Barbara Warwick. 15:24:39 Hello. 15:24:49 I'm testifying today because as a resident of Greenfield, I believe Oakland development affects me. 15:24:56 And because I believe the handling of this request for zoning change will affect the outlook of all neighborhoods, regarding community planning. 15:25:05 First, I will clearly state that I'm against consideration of the bill for zoning change until such time as the Oakland plan is released and publicized, even if the proposed zoning change and plan development is seen to be brilliant, even if the developers 15:25:23 think they have attended enough community meetings to know what the community wants. And even if there would be time for public comment on that bill separately. 15:25:32 That still does not respect the public process. Genuine community planning processes take considerable time and effort from professionals and community stakeholders. 15:25:44 It is not acceptable for a developer to be encouraged and seemingly saying, okay, we think we know enough about community needs now to pass. 15:25:54 We're going to go on our own, and submit a plan for acres of this neighborhood neighborhood groups have an expectation that the whole reason for completing a plan is to then have conversations with developers and others about how the market might fit 15:26:13 into various community meetings where there is overlap. Great. 15:26:19 But if this bill goes to council now the conversation with the community will take place in a setting where officials of government have already put their fingers a bit on to the scale. 15:26:31 This takes away some trust. 15:26:34 We community residents need to call for clarification and stand up for what constitutes public participation. 15:26:41 The media accounts that I read frame this as a situation where the developer attended some, or maybe even many of the Oakland community planning meetings, the mayor's office perceived that the plan would align with what the community would want based 15:26:58 on what I've heard so far. And finally, that the community will still have a chance to comment on the particular bill. 15:27:06 But no, you have to put in the work. 15:27:09 The community representatives deserve that. And they have to actually see the proposal and have a chance to comment on the proposal and give their support we're not otherwise nothing is genuine about that relationship. 15:27:24 Genuine process means you don't put the cart before the horse and other words the bill should never appear before the community planning process is finished, especially not without any discussion or vetting by the community groups involved. 15:27:39 I would encourage that if we don't already have one. There should be a community planning bill of rights for community organizations, especially ones that are registered community planning organizations. 15:27:52 Thank you. 15:27:53 Thank you. 15:27:55 Was that Barbara was at, you know, I think we went from April into Barbara during that we're having a little bit of a technical difficulty here. 15:28:07 And this system is kind of locking up on us, although it appears that we have returned. So Barbara, did you have a opportunity to speak Barbara Warwick. 15:28:18 Yeah. Can you hear me. Yes. Okay. Great. Thanks. 15:28:22 Yeah, so my name is Barb Warwick, I live in four mile run. 15:28:27 I'm speaking today to stand with my neighbors in Oakland and asking that council hold the vote on one walnut capital zoning change until they have completed their neighborhood plan. 15:28:41 Todd ride board, who I believe the President of walnut capital had the audacity to say that oh PVC and others are quote abusing the process by asking for this hearing. 15:28:55 When he may as well have been guiding the mayor's hand as he drafted this legislation as a quick political favor before slipping out the door. 15:29:05 It doesn't surprise me that the president of walnut capital considers Oakland's demand for a complete and comprehensive public planning process to be quote frivolous. 15:29:16 It is the same disdain for public engagement, and the prioritization of developer over human interests that earned built a doodle a pink slip from all of us. 15:29:27 The question is, council members. What do you think, what do you think about the residents of your districts who take the time out of their lives to participate in community organizations to send emails make phone calls, engage in planning come to meetings 15:29:44 like these in the middle of a workday, all in an effort to make our city, a better place to live, from where I stand in the run up DC is a powerhouse right when it comes to sway in the city from where I stand Oakland has it in spades. 15:30:04 So, if you, if you're going to brush them aside. If you're going to tell them that their neighborhood clan doesn't matter that big money developers can just do what they will, what hope is there for the rest of us. 15:30:18 If time for city council to prove that they care about Pittsburgh, and its people, as much as we do. So please, I'm asking you listen to the people of Oakland, who've taken the time to be here today, and show walnut capital that the people of this city, 15:30:38 who you represent. 15:30:40 Thank you. 15:30:41 Okay, Barbara Thank you. 15:30:45 Ziggy Edwards you're our next registered speaker followed by Chris Ross a lot. 15:30:50 So Ziggy Are you with us. 15:30:56 Yes, he's logged in. 15:30:57 So you're logged in you make around it. 15:31:00 You hear me. 15:31:05 Sorry it took me a minute I had to sign in my phone was locked. 15:31:06 Okay, well thank you all for having this meeting and thanks for taking the time to listen to my remarks today. 15:31:15 As you know, My name is JD Edwards I live in the run. 15:31:18 I'm also here to support my neighbors in Oakland who oppose ramming through without any change for the Oakland crossings plan. 15:31:25 The plan has all the hallmarks of MapReduce chainsaw approach to development, politicians and private interests hammering out business fields behind closed doors, then dropping the results on effective communities, fully formed plans that are then fast 15:31:40 tracked through with the third quote unquote public engagement process of allowing constituents to voice objections and then steamrolling over them down here in the riotous BB mentioned we are all too familiar with how this works. 15:31:54 Thanks to our experience with the motto and connect your plan, which was unveiled to us in a Pittsburgh post is that article. Back in 2015, and that grants that they originally applied for stem from a public private partnership between the city of Pittsburgh 15:32:09 pit, and said, you know, none of our neighbors down here in the run wherever consulted about it before that was dropped on us. In our experience when in powerful entities try to sneak around the public process. 15:32:22 It is not because they believe their plans will benefit the affected communities. 15:32:28 And, like, another speaker said our communities are not for sale to the highest bidder. 15:32:34 So I implore city council not to rubber stamp the agenda of an outgoing administration tarnished by his anti democratic track record. And that's all I have to say thank you to you Thank you, Chris Russell lot followed by Jonathan came in. 15:32:54 Good afternoon, members of council. My name is Chris Ross Hello policy director at Pittsburgh community reinvestment group, and a resident of District one PCR G is a nonprofit organization, made up of a coalition of over 60 community based organizations 15:33:13 and community development Corporation's located throughout the city of Pittsburgh. 15:33:19 We also advocate for Responsible development in our member communities that involve a robust public planning process transparency and resonant equity. 15:33:37 On December, 24, we send a letter to Council and crowds to express our concern with the Oakland crossing zoning legislation on behalf of our member Oakland Planning and Development Corporation, that highlight many of the concerns that have been expressed 15:33:47 today. 15:33:49 Our main issue with the proposal is that Oakland is currently undergoing a community planning process facilitated by the Department of Student Planning. 15:33:58 That includes a large portion of the project area. 15:34:02 And we view this attempt by the developer to reason portions of the community in the middle of a comprehensive planning process. as the responsible and doesn't follow a community driven development process, sending this bill straight to the Planning Commission 15:34:17 which short changed the Oakland community, and when undercut the outcome plan. Moreover, there have not been any public discussions specific to walnut capitals proposal such as building heights density building setbacks and inclusion of affordable housing. 15:34:33 If this rushed and backwards process can happen in the Oakland neighborhood, we are very concerned that it would set a dangerous precedent for future proposals in other neighborhoods, we respectfully request the city council table this legislation, until 15:34:47 the city planning process has included. Thank you. 15:34:52 Thank you, Chris. 15:34:54 Other thing is live. 15:34:56 Jonathan your next, followed by James john. 15:35:01 It's been one second. 15:35:03 Good afternoon, members of council My name is Jonathan came in and I represent all the capital. I'm here today to set a couple issues straight so that you can understand sort of where we are in the process and how we got here. 15:35:21 Mike, excuse me, my client planning team has attended more than 39 meetings for over a year and working through the open plan and the Oakland planning process. 15:35:30 The outcome of these meetings has been the identification of goals that Oakland would like to have achieved, and within Oakland. They include a grocery store or bridge across the boulevard of the Allies housing near jobs usable green space transformation 15:35:48 The Allies housing near jobs usable green space transformation of the boulevard of the Allies pedestrian Greenway connectors, walk to work housing and other items which would improve the lives of Oakland. 15:35:58 I will also note that the groups that were part of the Oakland plan, put out a letter. In March of 2021, recognizing that development would happen in Oakland. 15:36:11 During the Oakland planning process, they recognize that development and development of a community is a process that cannot be put on hold, and in fact legally cannot be subject to a moratorium, but they asked developers during the development of this 15:36:28 plan to go ahead and to meet the goals as set forth in this letter. We have answered that call, and we have met those goals, what we have heard today and continue to hear from op DC is that instead of having public process, and instead of having processes 15:36:45 prescribed by your code as to what a zoning text amendment looks like there should be no process, and there should be a moratorium no process is not process, what we are asking for is to allow the legislation to proceed as prescribed by the city zoning 15:37:06 code, allow it to go to council or go to Planning Commission, allow public comment to take place, and then allow it to come back to counsel for a vote. 15:37:16 Excuse me. That is the way the process works. I would note that you are hearing from voices related to Oakland planning and developments call to go ahead and to rise up so to speak to stop this process. 15:38:17 developing please embrace the appropriate process and please embrace these goals. We have embraced these goals, we have met these goals, and most importantly, time is of the essence because in order to leverage the massive infrastructure improvements 15:38:15 that Oakland needs the 35 to $50 million worth of work that has to happen. We have a unique opportunity that has been provided to us by the pending legislation and Recovery Act, give us a chance to move this forward so that we can go ahead and make progress. 15:38:22 Thank you. Thank you. 15:38:26 Forgive me, James, James. James your next and your followed by Janice Markowitz. 15:38:35 Hello, can you hear me. 15:38:36 Yep. We can hear you. My name is James john I live on Tennyson Avenue in Oakland. 15:38:42 Do people in Pittsburgh care about history, beauty, environment, and culture. Some Pittsburgh, some Pittsburghers over the last 300 years have simply viewed the place as a stockpile of assets to be exploited for wealth and commerce. 15:38:58 I mourn the destruction of cm use handsome schema Hall, which I suspect will be replaced with an ugly prefab construction of glass, metal and concrete devoid of any visible human hand craft. 15:39:10 Those with a financial interest, have called this progress. 15:39:14 This week I learned that Carlo university will be destroying the beautiful thing, Agnes church, which is better looking than any other building within view of it, both with a financial interest will call this progress. 15:39:29 And now I fear that won't capital intends to destroy the handsome Art Deco Isla is building an edifice older than most of us on this zoom call walnut capital will probably call it progress. 15:39:44 Like most of Pittsburgh, Oakland is a cobbled mess of some beautiful quality architecture, alongside some ugly architecture, some of it new. 15:39:55 In the roughest analysis. The difference between the good the bad and the ugly seems to be the era in which the building was made pre World War Two architecture enjoys the investment of ambitious design quality expensive materials, and the handwork of 15:40:13 tradesmen and crafts people that really impart a lasting soul upon an old building buildings erected after World War Two, often lack the same level of design ambition, are made of cheap prefab materials, and our script, have any handcrafted like masonry 15:40:33 carving tile work, the very evidence that a talented person once touched created and loved this building skee ball Hall, St. Agnes Eisley. These are the types of buildings which we should be fighting to preserve and we must encourage their adaptive reuse. 15:40:54 Beautiful both buildings in Pittsburgh and everywhere else, are always pulled down by moneyed interests with self serving better ideas of building, beautiful or ugly affects the entire fabric of the community. 15:41:10 Even if we only look at it as we walk past the character of Oakland is dependent on preserving these pre world war two buildings. 15:41:22 Their replacement will forever changed the historical atmosphere of their neighborhoods. 15:41:27 Pittsburgh is a vibrant and regrowing city, but self serving motives have allowed some of Pittsburgh's best architecture to be destroyed. 15:41:37 Progress is always the stated reason. 15:41:41 And those who care about history, culture and beauty. 15:41:49 James your time expired but thank you for being with us Janice Markowitz. A Janice your next followed by James L Ted's. 15:41:57 Hello, Janice. Hi, thank you all for having this hearing and thank everyone for their participation today. 15:42:07 I would strongly, ask in opposition. 15:42:18 For all council members to consider, honor, the people, as opposed, and process, as opposed to special interest. 15:42:26 Honor inclusion, as opposed to it, exclusivity and special interest. Stop bulldozing. 15:42:36 We the People of Oakland and throughout the city. 15:42:42 We, as someone myself. Many people spoke, they've lived here for two years or longer. I have spent the last week, fielding comments from various people stakeholders shareholders landlords, people who live here people who come to tend to enjoy the amenities 15:43:04 of this city. Let not one developer decide the fate. If there was merits and any development. 15:43:15 Let it be meritorious by the process and shared participation by the people. It reeks of lack of transparency. 15:43:28 That is worth repeating it reeks of lack of transparency. 15:43:33 We need transparency. We need to honor the process. This is the first time that I can remember, and almost a half a century. That's something like this has been attempt to pull this off. 15:43:51 If it is, I believe, even those people that are presenting. 15:43:57 Such a bill will regret this. Please honor those people shareholders stakeholders throughout the community throughout the city of Pittsburgh. 15:44:09 Let us be a city of inclusion, not exclusion, not of special interest. 15:44:17 Let's honor all, there was no reason that this bill, cannot be held until we have all parties involved and honor. The process has been put in place. Do not circumvent, those who are hard civil servants to 15:44:41 to look at these things to process these things who are involved to circumvent all of the people and all of the process. Many are questioning why this is not just about the end of their produce, leaving office in trying to force something through. 15:45:02 We need to stop and we all need to come together and if there's merits in this development, it will proceed. 15:45:09 For now, stop. 15:45:14 Thank you, Janice James L Tess, forgive me if I mispronounced your next followed by Henry. 15:45:27 Help me Madam Clerk, the SOC. 15:45:31 James Are you with us. Yes, I am. I welcome. 15:45:37 All right, I'm James Salter's I live on North Deatherage Street. Previously I was a resident of friendship for 20 years. 15:45:46 I opposed to this bill, partially because I think it sets a very bad precedent, over, over the entire planning process for the, not just for Oakland, but for the rest of the city, we are, we have a bill that was sent to council by a lame duck mayor. 15:46:11 Trying to subvert the planning process before he leaves office to reward, a specific developer. In this case, 15:46:21 because of because of this. 15:46:25 The requirements for affordable housing will not be discussed for this for this process. The other thing that disturbs me about this yet was we've changed the process so that if the Planning Commission doesn't respond immediately. 15:46:43 It's automatic approval, instead of the way the, the Planning Commission now works whereas if they don't respond in 90 days it's automatic disapproval. 15:46:53 This is another shortening of the process to make it more difficult to for people to speak out on development issues, etc. 15:47:09 Right, I'm not a great public speaker but I find this, I find this a bad, a very bad precedent, to be coming to becoming before the council. At this time, presented by a mayor who is leaving office. 15:47:29 Rewarding developers, before he leaves office. 15:47:32 That's it. 15:47:34 James You did good thank you for being here. 15:47:37 Henry your next followed by guide GM Paulo. 15:47:44 And where are you with us. 15:47:49 show my metaphor. 15:47:54 Nope. He may not be with us, if he does come on, we'll come back to, to Henry, but for now, guy, your next 15:48:05 guy on. 15:48:08 You're on you might be muted. 15:48:18 Can you hear me now. Yep, I can hear you. Hi guys. Great. 15:48:18 I can go to the same place and most of the folks were gone over just send me some things off here 15:48:28 in the audience somewhere is not beholding to the larger advertisement revenue stream of the University of Pittsburgh for its affiliate up MC, I believe they know that the University of Pittsburgh is actually remaining neutral, so to speak, I'm not sure 15:48:52 I heard this, I've heard no opposition. So let me just run down this 44 graduate in political science. That's our council one of the Councilman live from the north side, there are several small business districts located throughout the sector, we have 15:49:05 a centralized commercial stately victory rooms blah blah blah. okay university graduate, we're going on to the development arm Walmart capital top guys. 15:49:20 Great. 15:49:25 Tony partner and President target room board 15:49:30 graduate. 15:49:32 We go down. 15:49:35 Well, that's the husband of one of the other woman, that's a leader, I believe. I'm Michael boasting the financial officer University a law student. 15:49:51 Graduate 15:49:50 University student graduate. Okay. 15:50:03 especially on a scale, it's not. It's not supposed to happen like this condition is great but the review is no substitute for public engagement by the Department of city planning. 15:50:25 and the zoning bowl is an over simplification. 15:50:25 When the open plan is finished. 15:50:28 Those are simplifications of what's going on, if somebody needs to investigate this spreadsheet. 15:50:44 Everybody, even the, even the returning to just soak graduate of the University of Pittsburgh. Are you not sir. 15:50:53 Come on, man. 15:50:59 not to the podium city claim the remaining true story honest. 15:51:07 Sorry honest. Honestly, something's wrong here. 15:51:10 I live in my life. I have pictures on the, on the shelf downstairs universities boo boo behind my house, they become the worst made in the room. 15:51:21 They have everything to do with what's going on right now. 15:51:26 Like sky. 15:51:29 Wanda Wilson, you are next. And you are followed by Mike Maddie. 15:51:35 On the welcome. 15:51:36 Good afternoon, can you hear me, you can thanks Wanda. Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you for the opportunity to speak today. 15:51:44 I'm executive director vocal Planning and Development I'm also a city resident in city council district eight. 15:51:52 And my first job here in Pittsburgh was as a city planner in the department of city planning, I worked 10 years as a public servant, on behalf of city residents and civil servants right zoning legislation, not private developers. 15:52:11 The process of this bill being introduced is fundamentally wrong, it's a threat to the public interest for every single city resident and each council district zoning proposals should go through iterative months long engagement led by city planning. 15:52:28 Before going to the Planning Commission. 15:52:46 And when, when I talk about iterative it's back and forth with lots of input from community members who see how things change before sort of zoning ordinance that are actually written or presented to the Planning Commission zoning should not be written 15:52:49 by a private developer behind closed doors and introduced by the mayor completely separate from the city planning department. 15:52:55 Hold this legislation, and do not put it forward. It is fundamentally wrong. 15:53:01 There's no exclusionary zoning in Oakland. A PTC advocates for inclusion area zoning we want affordable housing and equitable development in our community. 15:53:12 The Oakland plan has priorities identified for affordable housing exclusionary zoning and value capture mechanisms to ensure equitable development in our community. 15:53:25 This is what we stand for this is what we need to have an Oakland. 15:53:30 You heard from john came in Walnut capitals attorney and I'd like to clarify some of the mistakes that he made in his statement, they hand picked goals. 15:53:41 And, and all of those goals that bad have been put forth have yet to be vetted and finalize his actual recommendations in the plan. 15:53:49 And there is a default letter to developers for this sort of interim portion of time while we're planning, but what Mr came and left out was that it actually talks about affordable housing as a priority in our community. 15:54:05 And it really is geared toward a development project like one site, not a whole scale real rezoning of a whole area of the neighborhood. 15:54:18 And, you know, if we're if we're really talking about city recovery. 15:54:23 You know infrastructure dollars that really is also should be through the public sector. Let's have an open and transparent process about infrastructure investments, not again, this should not be led by a private developer. 15:54:37 The Oakland community deserves effective community process. And this, again this process that this has been introduced is fundamentally wrong. Let's protect the public interest and hold this. 15:54:52 Thanks Wanda appreciate you being here. 15:54:55 Mike Madden your next and then after you Mike is Randy sergeant. 15:55:07 correct me super So Mr mad non. 15:55:13 No. So, Mr man may not be with us if he does join us, we will come back to him. Randy Europe next if you're with us. 15:55:18 Randy Sergeant is on okay and Ty rake tie up next. 15:55:25 Hey, thanks for having me here today. My name is Randy sergeant, and I live on Frasier Street. 15:55:32 as rents have gone up faster than the income of our residents, we an Oakland, have lost 40% of our fellow of our black fella residents. That's 1600 of our neighbors population of other races in Oakland has an aggregate increased in the past years, as 15:56:03 I've been helping run our after school program I've seen many families of our programs kids lose their housing, all families of color. 15:56:12 After being evicted I've watched families try to find alternative housing in Oakland, but be unable to find anything affordable, without a long waiting list. 15:56:21 I've seen our neighborhoods evicted kids and parents separated from each other. 15:56:26 When they become homeless. 15:56:28 I've seen our neighborhoods parents and kids least possessions on the curb. 15:56:32 Having a place to bring them as currently written wallet capitals bed to remove residential zoning in favor of unrestricted sending well and my belief, result in turn down many units of low around. 15:57:01 luxury high rise dwellings displacing our current residents and bringing in new and more wealthy residents instead. 15:57:01 And that is if Walmart capital decides to build housing at all, remember they're asking to remove the restriction to build residences altogether there and zoning residential here in our city today with our critical shortage of affordable housing this 15:57:15 move would destroy affordable housing and if it builds any new housing at all. It will be unaffordable to our current residents, rather than sending the current bill to the Planning Commission I request a real public engagement period where we can discuss 15:57:31 and modified zoning that will include requirements written into that zoning about three things that I've heard rise to the top and the unfinished Oakland planning process, which are increasing long term affordable housing, creating living wage shops for 15:57:47 current residents and creating opportunities for our youth on that capital states that they want to serve our cities, and our residents needs in return for the zoning changes they request. 15:58:00 But the needs they list. Don't well match the needs I hear in my neighborhood, or that I've seen centered and the Oakland planning process meetings that I've participated. 15:58:11 My dad told me measure twice before cutting once. 15:58:14 Let's take the time to make sure our community's needs are truly reflect the four we make this decision for our city. Thank you. 15:58:22 Thank you, Randy. 15:58:24 Tie your next and then john Dickerson your after tie. 15:58:33 Mr weekend. 15:58:40 Hi. You're muted. 15:58:50 Hello. 15:58:54 Yeah. Can you guys hear me. Yep, we can ty ty welcome. Hey, thank you. I want to thank you guys for giving me the opportunity to speak today. 15:59:02 It seems like every time I come to one of these city council meetings, the first question on my mind is like ridiculous the what is it that we are talking about this very clearly to me from the position that I sit as the president of a community organization 15:59:20 that attended a meeting with these individuals that are representing this project. 15:59:27 At that same meeting these folks gave us a timeline for what this project would detailed and that they detailed that they were followed the appropriate courses of action for this particular development. 15:59:42 They said that we wouldn't even be in front of City Council until November or December. 15:59:47 I'm young, a lot of you all are older than me, when I look at the people that are representing or districts that are representing young people, I really implore you all to not screw us over. 16:00:10 Um, so when I come to these meetings and I aspire to sit in chairs that you all are sitting in to represent our city to the best of our ability. I really, I urge you all to set the example for us, so that we're not picking up the pieces of private developers 16:00:28 and outgoing mayor's serving their, their self interest. That is not the city that we should live in and you all know that and understand that. So, I would really urge you all to follow the recommendations of my, my co workers and my neighbors and and 16:00:45 other people that have spoken before me on this call and hold that bill. 16:00:49 Thank you could tie thanks very much. 16:00:52 Joan, you're up and followed by 16:00:57 your Dylan, your Dylan, forgive me here Dylan. 16:01:01 I'm going to leave it at that. 16:01:02 And then, Jeff Martin you're after. 16:01:05 So john welcome the, the floor is yours. 16:01:12 JOHN on she was earlier. 16:01:26 I know she's here, she spoke earlier. 16:01:32 Yeah. 16:01:37 Now, we're going to keep on a speak will keep it open. And if you find your way back to us, we're going to bring you on your Dylan, your next place followed by Jeff Martin 16:01:55 should remain on 16:01:58 the line. Okay. Actually, that's Geraldine Thank you very much. Hi, My name is France Geraldine, I am the community engagement specialist here at Oakland Planning and Development Corporation. 16:02:11 Thank you for having me. And the last two weeks I've had the honor of speaking of Oakland residents that have lived here for years and have learned, and I have learned a beautiful history of this neighborhood. 16:02:23 They have expressed their concerns of being displaced by, by this development plan to Jonathan who spoke earlier you mentioned this plan would improve the life of Oakland residents. 16:02:32 I don't think losing your home or neighborhood is an improvement. And as a recent graduate from the Graduate School of Public international affairs, where I spent the past two years learning about how public policy work and how important it is to include 16:02:46 community input when it comes to drafting legislation. I'm appalled at the proper steps we're not taking them drafting the cell and how it was just sent straight to Planet commission. 16:02:56 I don't understand the urgency to get this approved, especially when there has been months of planning an open discussion with the West Oakland plan. The open plant the Oakland plan has taken into account community input, such as including affordable 16:03:11 housing, which To my knowledge, is something not included included in Walnut capital plan by approving this bill, you are setting a dangerous precedent and demonstrating that commute to the community that community, and click does not matter when it comes 16:03:24 to community affairs. And if the price is right. 16:03:28 You know, big developers can come and remove it from our neighborhoods and do what they please. So I'm urging you to hold this bill, at least until after the open plan is complete. 16:03:38 Thank you. 16:03:39 Lily thank you and thank you for, I apologize for the Miss, Miss pronunciation. 16:03:46 Jeff you're next. And you're followed by a Candace Gormley. 16:03:54 Fine, thank you Thank you for holding this hearing. 16:03:58 Knowing that zoning is relatively static, and the changes are heavily deliberated. Give me the peace of mind to invest in my home in my neighborhood. The current zoning in my neighborhood central Oakland is one of the reasons I was comfortable buying 16:04:10 a home and moving here. And I do want more high quality housing for people of all income levels know zoning is so foundational to neighbors development. 16:04:19 That's a change the shape of the foundation without talking in depth, the people who have built upon it is not appropriate. 16:04:24 There's a planning process underway that city planners and residents can put significant time and effort into like to see that we're honored, not disregarded that effort the effort going into this process is considerable. 16:04:36 Why do you see that work honored, not disregarded that effort the effort going into this process is considerable. And this is exactly the type of the project that should be discussed as part of the open plan, not apart from it. 16:04:42 Lastly, I'm concerned with the partner that one the captain's going to be when I read about the project newspaper, they use disparaging language and talking about the community groups that represents me. 16:04:51 And that is not a good way to start. 16:04:54 So please let this bill, please hold this bill, and let the planning process work, and maybe I'll end with a question is Jonathan came in stone. The room is not was not a good way to start either when he's not interested in hearing with all the people 16:05:07 have to say. 16:05:10 Thanks, Jeff, appreciate you being here. 16:05:13 I can discuss normally. You're an extra followed by Henry Schwartz. 16:05:20 Hi, I'm. My name is Candace formally, and I'm also currently holding my 18 year old, or 18 month old son so it's a little noisy I apologize, I just want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to be here. 16:05:35 My husband, Matt was actually born in South Oakland. His parents felt committed to that place, who also were born and raised here in Pittsburgh. 16:05:45 I am a transplant but I got introduced to Pittsburgh through going to Carnegie Mellon I was a student and I knew nothing about the city because I lived on campus and I spent most of my time in Oakland, about 15 or 10 years ago, When we came back to Pittsburgh. 16:05:59 We felt like there could be a space, maybe we should have some responsibility here in Oakland where my husband also works. So when there was an opportunity to move and be homeowners here two years ago we felt like it was a great open door, and for us 16:06:13 and our three small children. 16:06:15 The only reason we were able to afford a house here in Oakland was because of a generous person who decided he would not sell us a developer rate for our house. 16:06:25 Since living here only in the past two years we've been part of the community engagement process in West Oakland. 16:06:32 And we've just gone through enough community meetings to hear how developers have talked talked about the land in my neighborhood. 16:06:39 Just as a warning. We've had developers tell us there's not enough time. You have to move forward on this. Or else, this vacant land won't be utilized the right way. 16:06:49 And since those community meetings we now have 14 row houses that are being sold for $625,000 each luxury homes for students or I wouldn't say students they said it's going to be for families, but I just don't know what families they're referring to those 16:07:05 houses have been under construction for two years now just here in Oakland. There's dirt and concrete and dust all over my street, and this is only one small tiny section of a neighborhood in Oakland, and I can't imagine what would happen if you resume 16:07:19 19 acres of a neighborhood. 16:07:22 I'm just sharing how of this to say that I, I, me and my husband just when we were going even through the Oakland plan. The, it was amazing to think of how things could change or be improved in our neighborhood for small families, families with small 16:07:35 kids or middle to lower income families. And the question we've had even in the Oakland planning process with the city is, is there still space for families and children in Oakland, or is it going to be just a place for commodities for temporary residence 16:07:51 to utilize, and to, you know, access, and that still continues to be our question when we heard about this proposal to resolve we were so discouraged because it seemed as though someone was bypassing the whole community process as we feared. 16:08:06 And so I guess I'm just requesting that you please hold off on this until there has been completed engagement. 16:08:13 Just because we've seen micro effects of when a process is rushed. 16:08:17 And we just wonder if Oakland was still be a place for children. 16:08:21 In the next 10 or 15 years. Thank you very much. 16:08:25 Thank you. 16:08:27 Henry, you're up followed by Jennifer haven. 16:08:35 Show Henry Schwartz on men uncork. 16:08:40 No. Okay, Henry is not on now but if he does come back, We'll make certainly make time for him Jennifer haven. 16:08:49 We're showing Jennifer on Jennifer you'll be followed by Mark, Olivia, I can't say that last name for lover money but I know Mark well Mark you're after Jennifer. 16:09:01 Hi, can you hear me okay. Yes, thank you. Hi. Great. Hi, my name is Jennifer Haven, I do not live in Oakland, I did go to school there many years ago and fell in love with it. 16:09:13 I ended up moving to from Oakland to friendship where I now in the homeowner on South Pacific Avenue 152 to four. 16:09:23 I am calling in today on behalf of the friendship community group zoning and Development Committee. 16:09:31 We have been meeting these past couple of weeks and we've been having communications with each other regarding this bill. 16:09:38 We took a vote, and we do not approve of the bill we wish that city council would either either reject it outright or hold on to it, until next year after the Oakland plan can be realized. 16:09:59 We also in friendship are joining with our Bloomfield neighbors, and the business districts around us to form our own plan that will be called the Bloomfield plan but it also includes our neighborhood as well. 16:10:12 We are doing that because we were told by city planning officials and by the zoning administrator himself that that is the way that we can best protect who builds, what, where and what that process will look like. 16:10:27 We're very invested in starting our neighborhood plan we're really excited. The city had told us several years ago if we wanted to have more say in development in our communities that we should form a registered community organization. 16:10:43 We did that. They said if you want to have more say then sign up for the engaged Pittsburgh app that the city spent 10s of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars developing. 16:10:55 And we did that, and I look what is happening to Oakland, and I could see that it could happen to us, Oakland development is an RC do that, they are their projects, go on to the engage platform that the zoning administrator that the planning department 16:11:14 wishes that they would use the, the parks that we develop the, the infrastructure projects that developments through the Ura everything else goes through that planning process it's very public. 16:11:27 Um, I just I don't know where we turn if we're doing everything that the city tells us to do, to be engaged citizens to, to have a say to have a voice and what happens in our own neighborhoods, and then you at a moment's notice really three weeks notice 16:11:45 now we've had that you take that away from our neighbors. What, what, then does that tell us, and what kind of a say that we will have in our future when we're participating in our neighborhood plan. 16:11:58 If the council members think that this cannot happen in their neighborhoods because there's no development in their neighborhoods. I say be careful what you wish for. 16:12:06 Because layer more Hazel would Strip District probably didn't think that they'd be seeing hundreds, if not thousands of. 16:12:17 Thank you, Jennifer. 16:12:19 Mark Alinea your next, Mark. 16:12:25 Sure marks on Hello, yes I just mark and unmute there. 16:12:30 Hi, thanks for having us. So, like to tell people I went to live on Juliet Street, went to pit never left Oakland. I've been in my current location for over 30 years. 16:12:55 I asked this proposal be rejected or at least held in deference to the open plan, and the resulting priorities and recommendations, speaking to the moratorium that Mr Caymans mentioned at the beginning of the Oakland plan we were promised an iPod, the 16:12:44 interim planning overlay District, which would have legally implemented at such a moratorium, but city planning did not follow through. So I'm just let that be a warning to any other community plans, as you're going forward, don't, don't let that happen 16:13:07 to his comment about 30 to $50 million. I think that that level of funding deserves all the more deserves deliberate planning and community input. 16:13:18 I object to essentially rescinding much of OPRD and other residential areas that it's going to swallow up through this legislation which was authored by a private developer, even the language of this problem proposal was problematic in the open public 16:13:31 realm there already for sub districts. A through D and this newly proposed subdistrict, he has three more sub sub districts. 16:13:39 This process is being rushed through while the long awaited Oakland plan is still finishing the public input and recommendations rezoning any parts of Oakland or complicated require much more substantial community and inputting consideration. 16:13:52 This proposed subdistrict, he is generally incompatible with everything the APR was created for namely to protect less intensive uses, and from more intensive uses, and to provide a transitional buffer in particular between EMI and other commercial commercial 16:14:04 uses and longstanding residential areas people do still live in Oakland. 16:14:09 Even the purpose statement shows how unnecessary this proposed though PR is virtually all the things mentioned can be done with the zoning as it is. Many of the existing buildings are not built the current limits. 16:14:21 Much of the transportation issues mentioned, will require both the cooperation and years of planning and work by at least the city and pen, none of which has actually been started. 16:14:30 And neither entity has had any representatives appeared any of the presentations from on a capital to answer any questions at these presentations any dissenting opinions were basically dismissed despite the fact that this proposal is lacking a number 16:14:42 of details like who's going to pay for a lot of the changes that are public properties and right of rights away. The number of amenities alleged to be promised to be or to the community or mischaracterize things like green space in particular on Mickey 16:14:56 place are currently required setbacks, they're removed for this OCR implementation, and with very little actual change presented as an amenity but developer gets buildings more than four times their current height. 16:15:09 Raising the height of his proposed on Mickey and Hawk it will turn cold hard Street, just for for instance into cold dark Canyon. 16:15:17 So again I ask that you reject this or at least hold it until after the Oakland plan is finalized and those recommendations can be applied to whatever comes next with this particular proposal. 16:15:30 Thank you, Mark. 16:15:32 Christopher Diorio, followed by Robert Lincoln. 16:15:38 Chris Are you with us. I am with you. Thank you. Okay. 16:15:43 Before I made my decision to invest my time and my resources my attention in Pittsburgh I was invited you business in San Francisco Philadelphian Baltimore but I chose Pittsburgh. 16:16:01 I made it my home and I fell in love with the city. And I certainly think of myself as a Pittsburgh. 16:16:13 Well I lived and worked in the city, I learned one important lesson that Oakland is, and was Pittsburgh's front door, just lucky tours carried over 2 million passengers, we forged important and durable relationships with Oakland businesses, and its many 16:16:21 colleges and universities were proud to serve thousands of students and potential students, many in town with their families. They were touring Oakland, deciding of Oakland would be their new home for 10s of thousands of students, parents, entrepreneurs 16:16:36 potential employees, their introduction to the Pittsburgh region is via Oakland. 16:16:41 And I must tell you its first front door, so to speak, is not always that inviting. 16:16:47 I can speak to the reputational importance of Oakland. You've all heard of the brain drain people coming to Pittsburgh to study in Oakland and leaving, what to focus on became a place, people didn't want to leave as a city resident, I've been extremely 16:17:00 active in neighborhood organizations including the Allegheny city central Association. And then my roles as an entrepreneur and Pittsburgh or by choice and just someone who cares about his neighborhood. 16:17:11 I saw how holding up projects pushes people out of communities. 16:17:17 You'll never get 100% consensus on anything, but people who build communities who want progress. They want opportunities, and they want growth. 16:17:26 Oakland is the only innovation neighborhood, with nearly a billion dollars of research funding poured into it yearly that isn't growing. The true alarm you all, because it is completely unnecessary efforts to stop a transformational development not only 16:17:41 walks progress for Oakland residents, but it deadlocks the entire regional economy Allegheny County, Pittsburgh and Oakland its citizens. Its businesses, institutions of higher learning. 16:17:58 It's many assets, both large and small deserve the right for the zoning legislation to move forward. So that a full unfair public process we move forward as well. 16:18:03 Thanks for your time. 16:18:06 Chris, thank you. 16:18:10 Mr. Lincoln, your next followed by Deanna Davis. 16:18:18 Hello everyone, my name is Bobby Lincoln, and I'm a lifelong Pittsburgh her, a former resident of Oakland, and a current graduate student in the neighborhood. 16:18:26 First and foremost, I believe that overall this project is a good thing. It adds much needed housing to Oakland, which will increase the neighborhood's vibrancy and help to stabilize prices in the long term, also fits perfectly into the preliminary Oakland 16:18:52 To do so would risk stagnating the economic growth that Oakland is seeing growth that benefits the city as a whole. Additionally, the addition of new units of apartment style housing to the neighborhood will lower than a man from students for single family 16:19:01 houses, which will make it easier and more affordable for families and other non student residents to live in. 16:19:07 However, I don't support the way that the zoning changes for this project has been specified the proposed and changes are so specific to such a narrow geographic area that is clear they will only benefit the developers of this specific project. 16:19:22 That is, they clearly were designed to specifically make this pot project possible for walnut capital had applying the same zoning change to a much broader part of Oakland would allow far greater dispersal of these benefits, and should be considered instead 16:19:37 of the narrow change that has been proposed. I also believe that consideration should be made for the inclusion of affordable housing, the legislation, either via direct inclusion area zoning mandates, or via bonus point system through which developers 16:19:51 can earn additional height for including affordable housing, similar to systems that already exist for other project incentives. Thank you. Thank you. 16:20:03 Deanna, you are next followed by Adam but because 16:20:13 We showed the end on. 16:20:15 Okay, if the end does come back on, we will gladly bring her in Adam Butkus you are next followed by Kathleen, Ray doc. 16:20:27 I'm sure. Good. 16:20:31 Yes we can. Okay, first of all, my name is Adam Butkus I live with through sixth level street which is in the area of Central Catholic High School. 16:20:41 I've lived in the same house in Oakland, since 1991. 16:20:49 I want to thank you. 16:20:49 Thank you for the opportunity to address the council. 16:20:52 I really do appreciate the important work you guys have done previously. 16:20:56 And today I see you do something about that quickly and procedurally correct. 16:21:01 I asked you to please table the bill, known as 2021 1906, and follow normal procedures, by involving the local communities that have been impacted by this bill. 16:21:11 Why capital efforts would change three city blocks, putting on apartment buildings and trees that have been part of the residential fabric here for more than 100 years. 16:21:21 Please do not bypass normal procedures and forward this builder planning progression. 16:21:31 Until the process of not neighborhood involvement as far as scores. I've been a volunteer member on the Planning Commission, that consists of Oakland residents and staff members of Oakland based organizations and businesses for two years we've been submitting 16:21:41 ideas about how to make the neighborhood better and preserve the dynamic field by neighborhood. 16:21:50 The planning commission also wants to secure affordable housing in the area. 16:21:53 We understand the need for grocery store, and green space. 16:21:57 However, we're not driven primarily by the need for ROI return on investment for annual growth rates. This is where we live and work goes cool. 16:22:08 I feel that bypassing the normal council procedures for this bill will damage the reputation of council as a group, credible lawmakers, the great work you've done in the past will be forgotten that should not happen. 16:22:20 Nor does it have to. 16:22:22 Please do not advance long the capital to bypass normal channels, in the interest of profits. Thank you for letting me speak. 16:22:30 Like you out appreciate you being here. 16:22:32 Kathleen, Your next and then Caroline Mitchell you'll follow Kathleen. 16:22:38 Hello, my name is Kathy rock and I'm a resident of the south side, I work at Oakland Planning and Development Corporation as a communications and Operations Manager, and I'm testifying today to ask you to allow the Oakland plan process to finish its work. 16:22:54 Please hold Bill 2021 1906, until the Oakland plan is done, Oakland is a big neighborhood with a diverse population. Every day I come to work with the challenge of finding new ways to encourage residents to engage in neighborhood planning and community 16:23:11 conversations. I have to convince people to have faith in the public process. Not everyone has time to talk or even think about this stuff. And for a lot of people who've been burned in the past, it's a heavy lift to convince them to talk with us, to 16:23:27 talk the city planning, or to talk with their elected officials that lift gets 1000 times heavier when people think the system is rigged. If walnut capital can walk into Oakland, buy up a bunch of properties, and then ask the mayor's office to pull strings 16:23:43 to let them do whatever they want with them. How am I supposed to keep a straight face while I'm telling people that government works for them that the system isn't corrupt or broken, and that their input is meaningful and important sending this bill 16:23:58 to the Planning Commission makes my work, and that of my colleagues, irrelevant. It will completely disregard all the work that Oakland residents put into trying to make their day, their neighborhood, a better place. 16:24:11 Please don't do it, let the public process finish. Thank you. 16:24:16 Kathleen Thank you, Caroline Metro your next hi Caroline, followed by Christina how. 16:24:25 My name is Caroline Mitchell. I'm an attorney. I'm an engineer. I've been doing community zoning work pro bono since 2008 in Uptown Oakland squirrel Hill, and other counties of Western Pennsylvania. 16:24:40 I urge you to table this bill indefinitely. 16:24:55 You're sending this bill to the Planning Commission, not to city planning, up to the Planning Commission completely disrespects every single person in Oakland and squirrel Hill who has ever taken innumerable hours of time to give input into the community 16:25:07 planning process. What we have here in OPRDNOPRE, Oakland crossing is a developer's dream. What it does is to revoke and render useless. They far for area ratio height and lock coverage of OPRD the boulevard of the Allies the grand Boulevard, Oakland, 16:25:33 OPRC, the fifth and Forbes district repealing its height and far and lock coverage and furthermore repealing residential compatibility standard 916 that developers need to live in conference and concert with the community, please table this bill, give 16:25:58 the community, the respect that it deserves. And I call to your attention client versus the city of Pittsburgh Commonwealth court 1994. Please give the community groups, more than three minutes to address these issues, the developer has had far more than 16:26:18 three minutes with Mayor Pluto's office. 16:26:22 Thank you. 16:26:23 Caroline. 16:26:25 Christina how your next, followed by Dominic Victoria. 16:26:31 Great Can everyone hear me okay. Christine Thank you. Perfect. Thank you for having me. Thank you to the council members who are here today to listen to everyone who has gone before me with their very important points and they lived experiences as Jennifer 16:26:48 haven earlier acknowledged Bloomfield is entering into a neighborhood comprehensive planning process. And so we've been watching this carefully with our colleagues in friendship and listened to and talked with both Andrea and one that op DC and have listened 16:27:10 to the things that they have sent out and while also talking to others and doing our own due diligence on this issue. 16:27:18 Linfield Development Corporation I forgot to say I'm a resident Bloomfield, sorry, and also work with blue field Development Corporation. 16:27:25 We feel that this bypassing of the process for zoning changes. 16:27:38 Does disservice to community members whom we spend a significant amount of time working with so that they can understand the processes that the city uses to make these laws and change these law us, we're currently doing a lot of work with our neighbors 16:27:54 so that they understand inclusion area zoning which our council women. 16:28:07 Introduced in July, and is currently pending. It definitely to echo. Someone who went before me it feels that we are lying to our community members and we're extremely concerned with the precedent that this sets that a developer is zoning overlay ordinance 16:28:24 can be changed, specifically to a developer's needs one developer, not a not a larger issue, without an intense period of public engagement. 16:28:42 So I hope that this is, at a minimum, tabled until the Oakland plan is complete, and that the community has its final product to show where it falls on affordable housing, and on other issues that will absolutely affect this development. 16:29:02 Thank you. 16:29:04 Christina Thank You. 16:29:07 ur next, followed by Pamela Lapa notch up an itchy itchy opener to 16:29:18 open it up a notch. 16:29:21 Dominic. 16:29:22 Yeah, can hear me, I can hear you. Thank you. 16:29:25 Great. So Hi everyone, I hope you're all doing alright on this Tuesday afternoon. My name is Dominic Victoria, and I'm a lifelong resident. I'm a graduate of Pittsburgh Obama, and I'm currently a sophomore at the University of Pittsburgh where I am currently 16:29:39 serving as our community and governmental relations care for our city government. 16:29:44 Today come to you in between classes to speak from each of these perspectives, addressing the recent attempt by one the capital to push through a proposal to redress the zoning code in South and Central Oakland without proper community review. 16:29:56 The first is a lifelong resident who intends to spend the rest of my life in the city, deeply concerned about the precedent any top down approach the community development that not only for Oakland, but for Pittsburgh as a whole, while they might not 16:30:08 not have been around as long as most of the incredible community advocates who are in attendance today still seeing a drastic change in our hometown, that comes with new industries that have made the way here. 16:30:19 Undoubtedly, we all understand the importance of change, and all proposal's should absolutely be given fair consideration. 16:30:26 However, it is the way in which this change is brought to the community that must remain consistent. 16:30:31 So throughout the lifespan of the open plan city planners and community organizers of continuously consulted many of the diverse and often conflicting interests that makeup, Oakland fibers population from a student perspective, which I must emphasize, 16:30:51 it's been deeply gratifying to hear about the past, past, present and future consideration given to our population. The key context to have approached us have made it abundantly clear that they understand our situation, and are attempting to build bridges 16:30:58 between us and longtime resident, rather than excluding either group these bridges are clearly still far far from completion, but it's their processes like truly equitable inclusive planning that progress is made a Russian community development is not 16:31:11 beneficial for any of the groups that make up Oakland, only those with the financial stake in the speed at which the proposed changes are introduced, regardless of how you or I may perceive the quality of America begin plan, the opinions of those with 16:31:24 the most at stake in this case of course Oakland community members must be considered. 16:31:29 I truly believe that the thorough public and transparent review that doesn't plan is emerged out of the only way this can happen. So to conclude, I want to emphasize that I other students, long term residents organizers planners will always have different 16:31:40 visions what our neighbors will look like. 16:31:43 For me this involves emphasis on homeownership and marginalized population green space, access to grocery stores and something conveniently missing from this plan includes generic zoning specific flow is different from person to person. 16:31:55 What matters is that all our voices are considered. So as a student community advocate future resident lifelong Pittsburgh or I do ask the open plan is not thrown to the side in favor of a top down approach that exists purely to avoid a slightly longer 16:32:07 way, in a more thorough review. 16:32:09 For now the only way, it seems that can happen is by holding off on this bill. 16:32:13 So I'd like to thank all the folks that city planning and the OBD see who have been considerate and consistent in their support and I'd like to thank you all for your attendance. 16:32:25 And yes, please hold off on this bill. 16:32:25 Thanks, I'm like, Pamela your our last register speaker of the afternoon. 16:32:31 Are you with us Pamela hi Yes Can you hear me. 16:32:34 Yeah, thank you. I thank you. I am a lifelong resident, born and raised here in Oakland. I am not here at the request of op DC as a rise up as the gentleman from walnut capital suggested. 16:32:50 My parents have lived in this neighborhood for over seven years and I am actually I have raised my children here. I went to pit. 16:32:57 I'm vehemently opposed to pushing this through the way while not capital handled this is very undermining and backhanded. 16:33:08 They are not interested in what's best for the Oakland community. They do not know the Oakland community, the way we, the residents and op dc in our community groups know Oakland. 16:33:21 They are very much in it for what's in it for them. 16:33:26 It was mentioned once that you know you got to look at pit pit is very much a partner with walnut capital and with what happens with walnut capital, and you have to wonder why built a judo is rushing this through the way he is what is in it for him before 16:33:43 he leaves office. 16:33:45 It's just very disheartening that I personally my street will be extremely affected by this Oakland crossing. They have not taken into consideration how traffic is going to be affected. 16:34:00 Not only that but when you drive down Forbes, it's like darkness, there's because of all these big buildings, you're essentially going to put Coltart into a valley of darkness, the Lisa street valley of darkness, my street will be dark because of the 16:34:15 buildings and the sizes that they want to build you drive down the boulevard all you're going to see is buildings you drive helmet, it's just going to be buildings. 16:34:23 You're tearing apart the very fabric of what Oakland is, and the history of Oakland. 16:34:32 And, you know, you just need to please. 16:34:35 As City Council, take into consideration what your constituents are asking for. And don't just push through and do big business like wall capital and their partners at Pitt, we're just asking for the right and the process to be followed the way it should 16:34:54 be. 16:34:55 So please do not push this bill through please table it and let the discussion happen the way it needs to happen 16:35:07 here. 16:35:09 So, excuse me, that does exhaust the list of registered speakers madam Kirk at this point in time. How do we handle the one minute speakers, without, without, so we have exhausted our list of speakers for the day. 16:35:23 I'll open up to members if they wish to make any comment. Otherwise I'll call for a motion to adjourn the public hearing. 16:35:33 I didn't have a chance to say I'd like to say something was really fast sorry, wanted to speak. 16:35:42 Glory be series I think I hear someone else's voice but it is not sure Councilman, you have the floor. Thank you. Appreciate it. I just want as always thank everyone for coming out and I have written down some questions that I heard about process. 16:36:00 And what I am wondering myself that I'll be looking into is 16:36:10 the way I always understood zoning like map amendments to happen. 16:36:15 Was that the zoning administrator initiate them, and they go through the planning department and the planning process, and then suit the Planning Commission and the first time we see them is with the recommendation from Planning Commission. 16:36:31 So I think the zoning administrator can initiate a zoning map change. I think if you're an owner of a piece of property. You walk into the zoning office, and you apply for a map amendment. 16:36:46 And again, that initiates the process with the zoning administrative person and who takes it to the Planning Commission. 16:36:54 I also understand that council members can initiate legislation. So I have been the sponsor of legislation to do a map amendment to do you know the inclusion Arizona Overlay and then also to add. 16:37:13 Most recently, add Portugal and Bloomfield to. 16:37:15 That includes dairies on an overlay. 16:37:17 I don't see anywhere that a mare puts legislation or initiates legislation for zoning map amendment. And so that's, that's my question here is, can we haven't seen this before. 16:37:32 And so, what is the path. 16:37:36 And it looks like 16:37:39 if the if the property owner wants to change the zoning category of his or her property that their first stop is the zoning desk, so I'm confused about what happens first and then I also have heard here in testimony that there's the planning department 16:38:03 is currently engaged in a neighborhood planning process. 16:38:09 And this mayor's legislation is asking for them to do something else concurrently to that so those are the those are the questions that I don't have answers to and I'll be looking into and as we move towards discussion. 16:38:27 So Councilwoman in a more formalized process we could assemble those questions and set those down or zoning administrator for clarification, I'd be happy. 16:38:35 Thank you. Okay, I can follow up with your appreciate it. Right. Thank you Madam clerk to assist us with that, Thank you very much. 16:38:44 Councilman cocktail. Yes. 16:38:46 First I want to thank all the callers. That's really why I attended today I wanted to hear from the people of Oakland. 16:39:00 Now I don't claim to know all the impact that this development might have, whether it be positive or negative I'm sure it's gonna be a lot of both. 16:39:03 So, and I can only hope that they can come to a consensus with walnut capital, with this project but I did want to remark well not capital I did you know what they did at bakery Square was really transforming this I think will be a legacy project for 16:39:19 them, or local developers, which I really like the proud passionate Pittsburghers. 16:39:26 And I hope that the Oakland community and they can come to consensus and, you know, one other thing I did want to say is, you never have to ask well not capital, if they're hiring our local labor in trades to build their projects. 16:39:41 It's almost a given that they are which is another good reason to have local developer. So, that's it. Thanks, Scotsman Council President kill Smith, okay I wasn't going to speak I was gonna let you get out of here but I am going to say that I actually 16:39:56 was born and raised in Oakland. 16:39:59 A lot of the some of the caller's know that, but I will. And I want to thank them for coming on and speaking, but I actually grew up across from St. Agnes church. 16:40:08 So I've seen a lot of, lot happening in Oakland over the years. 16:40:14 And one of the things I will say is that I trust calcium recross where it killed me when I got here, and I didn't represent that area because it is the heart of our family, and we. 16:40:28 My mother lived there from the time they tour the Civic arena, or happy or built a civic arena and they tore the house down to build the Civic arena she moved to fifth and Robinson across from St. 16:40:38 Agnes church, and lived there until she was 98 years old. Two years ago, now she's 100. 16:40:46 And so, my sister if there's I have a question about something with Oakland. When I say somebody in tune with Oakland, I'll send her a text, she'll send out a text I just showed a constant across all the comments from old time, longtime Oakland residents 16:40:59 in support of this project also concerned about some also concerned about the process is still supportive of the development. But I, because I love Oakland so much. 16:41:11 I do think they're right and a lot of ways we do need to rethink development as you know I've had nonprofit in my area that we've turned into different authorities. 16:41:20 I've seen a nonprofit with another nonprofit where the community doesn't feel like they really speak for them. 16:41:26 So I do think that we, the way we do development in the, in the Pittsburgh area. We do need to rethink it I think we need to really look into some of the nonprofit's the CDC and others that are doing things across the city. 16:41:39 Really as I started looking into some of these things because of some other funding and things that we're doing towards them. I started realizing how many don't found nine nine days How many don't follow them on time how many have get funding from different 16:41:51 sources that would be questionable towards some projects I think that they're right in that regard that we have to look at the whole process all over. 16:42:01 And, and I'll definitely start looking into some of those nonprofits and start looking and seeing what their 990s are found on time and all those sorts of things and where their funding sources are coming from. 16:42:11 But, and I just wanna say I just don't i don't disagree, but because I love Oakland so much I don't want to see Oakland, end up in my district, we have a you know on Grandview Avenue resin spot and development. 16:42:26 They fought to developments and I have holes on Grandview Avenue, they call them the pits on Grandview avenue that have sat for decades, just empty blighted properties they became part of the blight because people wanted to fight a development without 16:42:42 having another backup plan what was going to happen with the developer walked away. 16:42:47 And we have another, the other developers on the other end it was supposed to be one of you. We talked about community process we had 26 or 28 meetings for that project, still not done. 16:42:57 And it's probably been about eight years. And so when you talk about the process, and you talk about things I think we got to keep a good eye on how to get development moving and to make sure that it's a benefit to the community, but it's also added to 16:43:13 stability of the community as well. But I think a lot of people have a lot of concerns about the, the, the cost of the housing and I, I've heard some of the concerns or comments, but I really do think that if anybody had to represent this area, other 16:43:27 than be, I think it's great that you have customer crowds because he's really good at consensus building. Matter of fact, that's one of the things he told me when I was first elected is you have to build a consensus to get anything done. 16:43:39 It was what some by best advice and advice from a few people you you were one of them and it really is true, you really have to build that consensus I do think that you'll get to that point where your community, your community group, and the developer