Shovel Snow for Your Oakland Neighbors with 5 Doors Down

Would you like to help a neighbor in need clear their walk of snow this winter?

Keeping Oakland’s sidewalks and steps safe and clear of ice and snow takes a team effort, and we need your help!

OPDC is organizing a new neighborly approach to snow removal in Oakland this year: 5 Doors Down. OPDC will loan snow removal tools and materials for the season and match volunteers with neighbors in need within five doors of their home.

In short, we bring the shovels and salt, you bring the energy and heart!

As a 5 Doors Down volunteer, you’ll need to keep a watchful eye on your neighbor’s walk throughout the winter. OPDC won’t instruct you when to shovel or sweep. We rely on you to use your best judgment and coordinate with your neighbor about when help is needed.

After you’ve cleared the snow each time, send us a picture so we can log your volunteer hours. If for whatever reason you can’t shovel after a snowfall either:

• Ask another volunteer for help

• Notify OPDC, so we can make other arrangements

When you return your shovel and supplies at the end of the season, OPDC will reward you with a gift card for your service. You’ll also have the satisfaction of having made the neighborhood safer and better connected.

Thank you!

Contact if you would like to join our 5 Doors Down program. Volunteers help OPDC build a better Oakland—we can’t do it without you.