South Oakland Neighborhood Group

Frazier St. and Parkview Ave.


The owner of the lot at Frazier St. and Parkview Ave. had a Zoning Board of Adjustment hearing scheduled for February 6, 2020 regarding a proposal to subdivide the lot and construct two homes.  A density variance was requested for the plan to construct two homes on one lot. The owner did not meet with the community to present their plans, nor were they responsive to OPDC’s attempts to make contact. Prior to the start of the hearing, the community, via Councilperson Kraus’ office, requested a continuance so that there could be community discussion. 

The Zoning Board granted the requested continuance. The zoning hearing will take place on March 5th at 9:40 a.m.

The developer revised the proposal.  It now consists of building only one new house on the lot, no longer needing a density variance.  Variances for setbacks are all that the project now needs. See the latest, revised proposal below. OPDC is working with South Oakland Neighborhood Group to provide an opportunity for community members to review and discuss this revised proposal.  The project was presented at the SONG meeting Tuesday, March 3, 2020 at 6 pm at Frazier Field House.  Residents expressed concerns with the curb cut on Parkview Avenue, the design of the building being out of character with the rest of the neighborhood, and the potential for this property to become a student rental.

OPDC submitted testimony to the zoning board at the hearing on March 5. The ZBA approved the developer’s request for a side setback variance, subject to the condition that any access to the interior parking garage shall be from Wolf Way, with no new curb cut on Parkview Avenue.

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